Dispute Resolution
For many clients, the time, costs, stress and unpredictability of going to court can be major factors in trying to seek alternative means of resolving disputes. As litigation also has the potential of distancing parties from one another, many clients prefer to try and reach agreements with other parties so that over time family and business relationships are improved rather than fractured.
Four Partners in the Firm are trained and accredited Mediators, one of whom being a specialised Family Law Mediator in addition. As such the Firm is at the forefront of progressing alternative forms of dispute resolution in the North of Scotland. In addition, one of our team co-authored a recent guide commissioned by the Scottish Government on the use of mediation in the planning sector in Scotland.
Where required, the Firm assists and represents clients in negotiation, mediation and arbitration as forms of alternative dispute resolution. In addition our qualified Mediators are available to conduct mediations if required.